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February 24, 2009



This is a great post! It's wonderful that you're sparking conversations about open relationships and sexual desire. These conversations can feel dangerous, not just because of my Catholic Filipina upbringing but because of the kinds of oversexualized and exotic images I might invoke about brown women and, even, brown dykes. I love, too, that you're blogging on these issues in connection to your art and performance.


It's great to see this dialogue coming into its own with the straight sisters of color pushing through battle scars and open wounds. I'm in LA and I am happy these conversations are making the rounds here in the straight circles of consciousness I sometimes inhabit, and especially in the performance/artist scenes but it's coming and pushing. I know it's not easy for women of color to really put it out there.

I've done and learned a lot about polyamory and alternative kinships through the performance work around gender and sexuality and history with butchlalis de panochtitlan and by being a gender outlaw living in communities of color versus so-called safe gay enclaves. Keep blogging because there needs to be more experiential knowledge about this. I wish there were more texts beyond Ethical Slut--i feel that book is kinda reductive about emotional intelligence and trauma.


I LOVE THIS... I agree with you that - that relationships (maybe induced by technology) has evolved to a new level. I call it a "mesh" of intimacy, love, and communication. It makes us capable of having multiple loving relationships at the same time.

Rodger Levesque

You've got me thinking and writing. I'm coming out poly.

Rodger Levesque

Here are some thoughts.


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