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March 29, 2009


Raven's Eye

Absolutely love this post and all the intersections therein. Can please we crosspost it at Raven's Eye? Please e-mail if it's okay.



Hi Favianna,
I got in your blog by accident.This is fantastic. I like your vision in your Art. This is real struggle.
Would you be able to do a collaboration project one day?
Let me know at anytime.
Santa Fe, NM.


Hey Favi!
Been really drinking up a lot of your words in your last blog posts.
"It is so true that women hold up their communities. " That's right. We give and we shall receive tambien.

"But by only viewing ourselves through the lens of race, class, sexual orientation, etc. we are actually living out our own internalized oppression. I believe that the stories we have to tell are for the entire world, for all of humanity, because our struggles are universal, and our art can touch someone as deeply as, say for example, Picasso or Dali."
This is deep, working to deconstruct internalized oppression is a lifelong journey, so daily intentional acts like questioning what is our art (whatever medium/genre it is) activism for...and being reminded and re-affirmed that our voices can and should be heard all over the world is for the humility inclined cultures, give/give/give trait to and "for our own communities" is foreign territory. Tu inspiracion es neceseria para quebrar estas costumbres y normas.

On your podcasts being "women-of-color-centered look at liberating our bodies!" I am all for info sharing with a safe sex practices, emphasizing self-love, and for many women of color the act of radically loving ourselves is radically in itself.

Thanks sis for your words.



Thanks for this post, and I am lovin the idea of that podcast. Before I read this, I never imagined the words "polyamoury" and "women of color" in the same sentence.. we definitely need more of that discussion :)

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